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Friday, August 24, 2012

Cloning and Dajjal.

  1. Cloning and Dajjal.

The world is worried about the birth, or to be more exact, about the appearance of the first cloned child. The reaction varied so much. Mainly it was negative. But there were some approvals as well. Cloning was conducted by the Raeliant sect, named after another false prophet named Rael.

It seems to me that it must be treated just as the creation of weapons of mass destruction, as the AIDS virus, for an example, as inevitable evil brought by the mankind while deviating from the Laws and from the Morals, from the religion of the Creator of the Worlds further and further. Because:

You can’t forget that Allah brings punishment through opening the way to something destructive too, when people show unrestrained persistent yearning for something banned or something sinful, in spite of the Creator’s warnings. The way of life and «freedom» that the mankind started rushing to under the banner of the democratic plague, with legalizing anything that was prohibited by Allah, and with banning and persecuting whatever He had allowed or even obligated a man to do, could not have led to anything else.

The will and the freedom of choice that Allah has endowed a man with were accepted as permissiveness. And the postulate of «there is no compulsion in religion» was accepted as the right to deny God and spread godlessness among the mankind.

The religion of atheism that became an ideology of a civilized man is the primary reason for this and for other pestilential phenomena that have been haunting the mankind especially from the 20th century. And one may assume that further down the line these infirmities of the mankind will sharply increase, directly proportional to our fall. For Allah adjusts His punishment to our evil deeds.

And this was foretold to the mankind by all Holy Scriptures, especially by the Holy Koran. Those who are persistent in their delusions, We will strengthen in their delusions, as the Koran warns us. Moreover, the Koran points out that punishment in this life as well as punishment on the Day of Judgment awaits those people.

The Rael sect has not discovered anything new and could not have discovered period. Because after the Koran and the last Prophet (peace be upon him) were sent down, nothing happens to the mankind that cannot be explained. Except for what can confirm the truth of the Koran and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

You can recall about a lot of things from the chapters (Ayahs) of the Holy Koran and from the Hadith of the Prophet where warnings about such phenomena were given. The most graphic was the Hadith about the advent of Dajjal (or Antichrist in Christian tradition). If you compare cloning to what Dajjal will be doing, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned about the inevitable advent of Dajjal, by Allah’s permission, then cloning is just nothing compared to what will come. Even the information that in the future clones will be created within a few hours is nothing compared to the abilities of the one whom Allah will send to test the faith in the true Creator. Let me quote a part of the story about Dajjal, which was compiled from reliable Hadith of the Prophet, i.e. from the group of Hadith about Dajjal.

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