Lv handbags as the luxury products with a high price but still attracted thousands of people chase after it.Every year the price increased gradually.Even the non-leather bags can be sold a few millions.The public may confused for the huge attraction of the lv products,but the figures state that the situation was steadly increasing every year.In rencent years, the newest lv canvas can be sold more than two thousand dollars.But why is it so expensive?
Here we may tell the price secret of lv bags.From the last year the lv comapny pushed out two kind of canva handbags:Toile Trianon Canvas with a price five thousand,and Antigua
with a price nearly two thousands.All the world know that the series of monogram is the famous brand.Expect for the leather handle,the lining is made by canva.But why it is so expensive for a canva handbag?The secret is the high quality standards.The America magazine once reported that there has a laboratory on the underground of the store Paris which used to check the quality of every handbag.From that we can see the sense of responsibility of the compnay and the serious inspection progress.We also can have a general understanding of the brand why can be developed from the old time untill now.
The paints which used to paint the canvas were made by special materials even the officials have no the ability to describe the components.This technology only can be used in the original factory.On the other side,the leather of lv handbag came from Northern Eupean with a little bite scar because the nature.The special paintings and the excellent leathers make lv famous all the world.
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