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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Zakat and Tax; The Difference

Zakat and Tax; The Difference 

The present government has taken many steps against Islam fro allowing drinking alcoholic liquor freely and giving license to the sellers of liquor to restrict foreign students to get admission in Maderssah and handing over the Pakistani citizens to USA for judicial trial. Besides doing all this, some persons in the government, the so called enlightened persons, who are in favor of redefining Islam in the name of modernizing Islam, are trying to conceive the people to thing Tax as Zakat. In this regard they are using electronic and print media to criticize the system of Zakat and they are trying to create a concept in the society that the people who are paying tax are not liable to pay Zakat, and their tax must be treated as Zakat.

     Zakat (Obligatory Charity) is the fourth element of Islam. One can say that the building of Islam is standing of five pillars, in which Zakat is the fourth pillar. Zakat is obligatory on a Muslim who possesses the prescribed financial capability and its value is the fortieth part 2.5% of his possessions, which has remained with him for a full one year. One who denies the obligation of Zakat becomes and infidel and a great sinner because the Quran says Establish the prayer and pay the Zakat.
     Now I am giving some points against Tax which I have taken from Mulana Mohammad Yousuf Ludhiyanvis book Islam ka Nizam-e-Zakat, in my own words:
1. Tax is the invention of human mind it has been imposed before and after the Islamic era and if we talk about Zakat, then it is worship.
2. In any society, culture, or in any system whether it is socialism, Marxism, feudalism, and communism, tax is not treated as worship. While if we talk about Zakat then it is treated as a worship in a Muslim society.
3. In tax, there is no concept of agreeing of God. As far as Zakat is concerned, its basic purpose is to get the agree ness of God.
4. There is not distinction among religions while imposing tax. If we talk about Zakat then it is only imposed on Muslims.
5. Tax can be imposed on both the fair and unfair income while Zakat can only be taken on a fair income.
6. Tax can be imposed on both the believers and non-believers of God, while it is not the case in Zakat, as it is only be imposed of the believer of God.
7. We can impose tax many times, in a single year, on a single thing. In Zakat it can be impose only one time in a year.
8. When taking tax, the tax taker does not see that the tax payer has borrowed some money from any where, while this is not the case in Zakat.
9. Tax can be imposed on car, bridge and it may be a Sales Tax or traveling tax like Toll Tax.
10. There is no prescribe financial capacity for taking tax and is dependent upon man made laws. In case of Zakat, there is a prescribed financial capability, after crossing this, one must pay Zakat.
11. Tax is spent on wealthy, poor, Muslim, and Non-Muslim, while there is predefine way of spending Zakat in Islam.

     Consequently there is a huge disturbance in the society, which is started recently. So, to reduce the disturbance in the society, government must take action against those persons, who are freely criticizing upon the pillars of Islam. Freedom of opinion does not means that one can criticize on issues that are treated as holy.

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